What Our Clients Had to Say About Working With The Brian Kondo Real Estate Team | Kathy & Larry
Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Kathy and Larry first reached out to me by requesting an online home evaluation. We contacted them and set up a time for me to drop by the house and give them an idea of what they could sell for as well as things they should do to prepare the home for sale.
Their house was small but what we call, over-improved. It had a narrow but deep lot, with a gorgeous backyard retreat that featured an inground pool and hot tub. The basement was finished with a Rec Room, dry bar and fireplace. The kitchen was renovated and the house showed a 10! Because they committed to using me to sell once they found something east, I made arrangements to have my photographer go take the pictures and virtual tour, which proved to be a good move as you will see below.
They were retired and the plan was to sell, then move east to the Trenton/Brighton area. We referred them to Kristen, the agent we send all our clients to that want to move that way. The first time they saw homes with Kristen, they were extremely disappointed. Nothing caught their attention. I told them not to get discouraged. Because their home showed so beautifully, the homes they see may not live up to the same high standard as their present home. Kristen also told them to be patient. Because she now knew what they wanted in a house, she would handpick the ones she felt they would be drawn to. And guess what, within a couple weeks, they had found the perfect house, submitted an offer and bought it! The only problem – they had to buy it firm with a short closing.
Now the pressure was on. However, Kathy and Larry proved to be very smart clients. Not only did they allow me to send my photographer in before they even listed, which saved at least 3 days, they took my advice, priced the house appropriately and we ended up with a pre-emptive offer after just 2 days on the market and sold for 107% of the asking price!
Needless to say, they were very pleased with The Brian Kondo Real Estate Team, as you can read below.
Hi Brian,
A little late with our testimonial but as you can imagine we've been pretty busy. Packing up 32 years, lot's of purging, proved to be not enough, moving, un-packing, more purging, and happy to say finally making progress.
We were very impressed that you were able to meet with us at such short notice, arriving with a very impressive and informative portfolio of real-estate within our neighborhood, especially relative to ours.
Your team acted very quickly, professionally, explained in detail our options, keeping us well updated, and informing us the next steps needed to move forward.
Very emotional during this time, your team showed a lot of compassion, understanding and willing to accommodate our needs. We were very impressed with your ability of working your 'magic' selling our house very quickly, above asking price, thus enabling the packing to begin, enjoying our remaining time with no interruptions.
Thank you again and would we recommend you to our friends...definitely with no hesitation!!
PS received your gift certificate and yes will come in very handy.
Thank you once again,
Kathy & Larry
Thanks for reading today's BLOG!

Brian Kondo
Sales Representative / Team Leader
The Brian Kondo Real Estate Team
Re/Max Hallmark First Group Realty Ltd.
905-683-7800 office
905-426-7484 direct
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